Increasing demand for automotive chips

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Automotive chip generally refers to the electronic control device of the vehicle carrier. The four main categories are control, power, storage, communication and sensing. The development of my country’s automotive chips can be divided into four stages: 1. Focus on traditional car audio; 2. Focus on power devices; 3. Focus on road detection and tire pressure detection; 4. Focus on intelligent driving host. With the continuous development of technology and the automobile industry, technologies such as electrification and intelligence in the automobile industry are becoming more and more mature, and the status of chips is becoming more and more important; chips are an indispensable core part of automobiles. Need to use hundreds of chips to support.

As the market share and penetration rate of new energy vehicles continue to increase, the demand for components such as chips is also increasing. Zhang Yongwei, vice chairman and secretary-general of the Electric Vehicle 100, said that in the era of electric intelligence, there will be more than 1,000 chips in each car, and more than 3,000 chips in the high-level autonomous driving stage. It is estimated that by 2030, the scale of my country’s automotive chip market will reach 30 billion US dollars, and the number will be about 100 billion to 120 billion per year. Faced with the increase in demand and the current shortage of automotive chips in the domestic market, many car companies have begun to seek solutions with more stable chips and lower costs. It is understood that at present, many domestic chip manufacturers have entered the industrial chain that was previously “stuck”.

The chip industry is one of the most important technologies in the future. Today, countries and regions such as the United States, Japan, South Korea, and the European Union are all emphasizing the localization of the chip supply chain. The delivery of ASML’s EUV and DUV lithography machines to domestic companies has also received more attention.

For China’s chip industry, “domestic substitution” has become the mainstream direction. Despite various challenges in the short term, in the long run, under the goal of a socialist modernized and powerful country, solving the bottleneck problem in the chip field is the long-term persistence of China’s chip industry, and the development of the domestic chip industry is bound to show a trend of acceleration. As for the prospect of China’s chip industry in 2023, the author believes that Huang Yanming, director of the Guotai Junan Securities Research Institute, used a sentence to describe the A-share market: “Fall in love with consumption and marry technology.” However, as a technology under the goal of strengthening the country One of the manufacturing tracks, the domestic chip market will gradually recover in the second half of the year: from “grabbing chips” to “destocking” and then “expanding capacity” is the inevitable law of the development of the chip industry. China remains the largest market for global chip sales. Regarding the current chip demand and inventory situation, SMIC pointed out: In the field of consumer electronics, mobile phones currently have the highest inventory, and the recovery of mobile phone growth will probably wait for the economy to resume growth, and the smart home inventory is the lowest; in the field of automotive electronics, chip semiconductors have the highest inventory. It is still in a state of short supply; in the field of new energy, there is a good increase in demand.

In 2023, due to well-known geopolitical reasons, the factor of chip shortage will not only exist further, but also cause delayed delivery for vehicle manufacturing. A fuel vehicle needs at least 100-150 chips. Power battery vehicles need more, especially intelligent networked electric vehicles, the demand for chips is even 2-5 times that of fuel vehicles. Chip prices are likely to continue to rise.

Chips are the result of the superposition of multiple reasons. The epidemic has brought subversive changes to people’s daily lives. The demand for home office, online conferences, and home entertainment has increased significantly, and the demand for electronic products has also continued to grow. soaring. At the same time, many wafer foundry companies have transferred their production capacity to the production of epidemic prevention materials and equipment. The epidemic also affects the production of the semiconductor industry, including labor-intensive enterprises such as wafer manufacturing plants and packaging and testing plants, which are subject to factors such as employee infection, temporarily suspending production and stopping production, and it will take time to restart production again.

Increasing demand for automotive chips

The core development of automobiles has begun to shift from the power system to chip technology, because the innovation of automobile products is highly dependent on the technological innovation of chips, and accelerating the development of automobile chips can provide new long-term development for my country’s automobile industry. As the epidemic stabilizes, the world resumes work and production in an orderly manner, and the production of automotive chips is gradually increasing. It is expected that the shortage of automotive chips will be alleviated in 2023. In addition, due to the sluggish global economy, global automobile production has declined. Under the new supply-demand relationship, the supply of automotive chips will stabilize, and prices are expected to remain stable, and there may even be room for a drop.

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