Self-driving vehicles have started commercial operation. Is autonomous driving and unmanned driving a concept?

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With the advent of the automobile era, everyone has gradually improved every requirement and performance of the car, and they also have expectations for the intelligence of the car, such as self-driving cars and driverless cars. So, what is the difference between autonomous driving and unmanned driving? Friends must be curious about this question. Next, the car editor will briefly introduce the difference between automatic driving and unmanned driving.

The “Vienna Road Traffic Convention” (2016 revision) has given the legitimacy to self-driving cars. The key word here is “automatic” rather than “unmanned”. That is to say, taking the current technical standards of the automotive industry as a reference, the world has a conservative attitude towards “driverless cars”. Therefore, the description of the new content of the convention is very strict: the automatic driving function of the car is allowed to drive automatically under certain conditions, and it is limited to 72 contracting parties.

Knowledge point: China has not participated in this convention, so the legality of driverless cars is not recognized in China at present, but it does not hold a negative attitude towards the automatic driving function of cars. However, under the premise that the current laws and regulations have not been adjusted, the vehicle must be equipped with a driver in the driving seat while driving, and the driver must hold a driver’s license of the relevant model, otherwise it will still be deemed “driving without a license”. So much to talk about the rules, let’s focus on the barriers to the popularization of unmanned driving.

Analyzing “autonomous” driving cars from a technical level, such vehicles can actually be popularized long ago, but major car companies are very conservative about such cars. The reason is that automatic driving will definitely limit the scene. Popular explanation: not all road or traffic weather conditions, the automatic driving function can be used.

Reason 1: When driving on Class 2, 3, and 4 roads used by motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles, and pedestrians at the same time, each terminal participating in the traffic will generate data. Huge data streams will have very high requirements for the computing power of the “chip”, and the real road’s requirements for computing power may exceed all “large-scale 3D games.” Therefore, it is inappropriate to use the self-driving function on these roads, but no car company dares to guarantee that its sales terminals will not make exaggerated publicity, and it cannot guarantee that C-end users will not regard self-driving cars as “unmanned vehicles”. Be more conservative in naming.


Autopilot is a smart car that realizes unmanned driving through a computer system. The cognitive subjects of autonomous driving and unmanned driving are different. It is people who determine driving behavior, that is, autonomous driving. For example, companies such as Audi, Volvo, and Mercedes-Benz are basically developing cars with autonomous driving functions. If you want to drive yourself, you can drive yourself. If you want to drive automatically for a period of time, you can drive automatically.


Unmanned driving is a level higher than automatic driving, that is, the work of driving is completely handed over to the machine, which is also called automatic driving. For example, Google’s self-driving car has no steering wheel, no gas pedal, and only a start and stop button. When getting in the car, you can set the destination, how to go, how fast to drive, and listen to the sound of the car. However, the unmanned vehicles that Baidu actually tested on the road are strictly speaking cars with automatic driving functions.

In layman’s terms, unmanned driving is a technology that enables cars to have environmental perception, path planning, and car self-regulation, that is, the use of electronic technology to adjust the car’s humanoid driving or automatic driving.

The sensor is the “eye”, which can perceive the depth of objects on the road in 360 degrees; the vehicle control technology is the “brain”, which can perceive the environmental information in real time.

Experts simply say that the sensors installed on the vehicle body are its “eyes”, which can perceive the depth of objects on the road in 360 degrees. Frequently encountered sensors include lidar, millimeter wave radar, camera, ultrasonic radar, integrated navigation module, etc. The “brain” of an unmanned vehicle is the control technology of the vehicle, which can realize optimal path planning and predict the behavior and intentions of surrounding vehicles and pedestrians based on real-time perceived environmental information and high-precision maps. When traffic regulations and road conditions allow, the driverless car will drive at the highest speed to improve driving efficiency.

In recent years, new energy vehicles have become more and more popular, and the related intelligent driving technology has also become popular rapidly, becoming one of the core competitiveness of new energy vehicles.

A few days ago, Chongqing and Wuhan issued new regulations to allow self-driving vehicles to conduct pilot commercial operations.

So far, many cities across the country, such as Beijing, Chongqing, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Changsha, have allowed self-driving cars to conduct commercial trial operations in specific areas and during specific periods of time.

On August 1, the “Regulations on the Administration of Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone” came into effect. This is the first domestic regulation on the management of intelligent connected vehicles. Clearly defined.

On August 7, the country’s first full-vehicle unmanned demonstration operation qualification was issued in Yongchuan District, Chongqing City, and Baidu’s “Carrot Kuaipao” self-driving paid travel service officially started operation.

One is autonomous driving and the other is unmanned driving. Do you know the difference? How will they develop in the future?

The term autonomous driving was very common two years ago, but after a series of smart car accidents, the industry began to adopt a more professional and cautious term: intelligent driving.

The National Development and Reform Commission’s “Smart Car Innovation and Development Strategy” defines smart cars as follows: equipped with advanced sensors and other devices, using new technologies such as artificial intelligence, with automatic driving functions, and gradually becoming a new generation of cars with intelligent mobile space and application terminals.

This definition includes two elements, one is advanced sensors, and the other is artificial intelligence.

Advanced sensors are mainly used to collect all data related to vehicle driving and surrounding road conditions, while artificial intelligence must have powerful data analysis and processing capabilities.

The representative components of the former are visual radar and lidar, and the representative technology of the latter is C-V2X Internet of Vehicles, which is a wireless communication technology for vehicles based on cellular networks.

To put it simply, unmanned driving is the development of automatic driving to level 4, which is the most advanced stage, but automatic driving does not only include unmanned driving.

When the words “self-driving car” and “self-driving car” are frequently mentioned by the public, news about autonomous driving and other aspects has always become a magical force, leading everyone to have endless fantasies about future transportation and various speculations.

Of course, it is not surprising that when people have little information, many misunderstandings and disagreements will naturally arise. So what can and cannot be done with self-driving cars? Here, we present the truth about self-driving cars…

Are autonomous driving and unmanned driving the same concept?

We can distinguish between the two concepts according to the automatic driving classification of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):

Level 0: No automation, no automatic driving functions and technologies, the driver has absolute control over all functions of the car;

Level 1: Driving support, providing basic technical assistance to the driver, such as adaptive cruise control system, automatic emergency braking, the driver occupies the dominant position, but can give up some control rights to the system management.

Level 2: Partial automation, automatic control of several functions, such as automatic cruise control or lane keeping function, the driver and the car share control, but the driver must be on call at any time and pick up at any time when the system exits;

Level 3: Conditional automation, which realizes automatic control in limited circumstances. The system can be fully responsible for the control of the entire vehicle under certain conditions, but in case of emergency, the driver still needs to take over the vehicle;

Level 4: Fully automated (unmanned driving), without the intervention of the driver or passengers, driving from the departure point to the destination without human assistance.

To put it simply, unmanned driving is the development of automatic driving to level 4, which is the most advanced stage, but automatic driving does not only include unmanned driving.

Self-driving cars have their own “recruit black” physique?

In fact, in many ways, self-driving cars are safer than conventional cars.

But the misunderstanding stems from a 2015 experiment in which several Wired journalists conducted an experiment in which their conventional, non-self-driving Jeep Cherokee (with connected technology) could be remotely controlled by a hacker, or even hacked. “Driving” for a while.

Is autonomous driving and unmanned driving a concept?

However, this experiment was carried out in 2015, and now it is 2019, and technology has been improving. And, even the earliest self-driving operating systems were largely safe when they were first announced to the public.

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